Founded by Geotechnical Engineer Declan Vanderhor, TabLogs is changing the game for the Engineering Industry. Their cloud-based borehole logging software removes a well known bottleneck within the Geotechnical Investigation process by generating finished graphical logs, on site, and in seconds.

Another fantastic story of a solution to a problem that's born through experience, TabLogs came about after Geotechnical Engineer Declan Vanderhor saw on the job the inefficiencies in the process.
Bore hole logs are a little known part of any construction projects, as Declan puts it "Before you can build anything, someone's got to dig a hole in the ground and see what's down there."
Normally this entailed a Geotechnical Engineer performing a borehole analysis on paper (a quite exhaustive document), which was then handed back to company where it was manually entered into a system to form a borehole log.
Immediately seeing the potential, he founded TabLogs, which allowed the Geotech to generate their own borehole log on site and in sections through the use of cloud software saving the construction companies thousands of dollars in wages and time.
After raising seed funding TabLogs saw the opportunity for growth beyond Australia, now 23shout is powering their inbound and outbound comms; their team can route calls and make and receive customer enquiries in a unified platform.